COVID Statement
If there’s one thing we’ve learned from the pandemic it's that it's a work in progress. Circumstances keep evolving and with them, so do recommendations for how to remain safe.
We want you to know that your Oakhurst Porchfest logistics crew is committed to your health and safety, but we also want you to understand the nature of our event: We are not a top-down event where public access and attendee behavior is carefully controlled by a central organizing authority. We’re a grass roots gathering where every venue is someone’s yard—where they have every right to set guidelines or not—and connection between those yards takes place on open and fully accessible public streets.
Which is all to say, we encourage everyone to use their own discretion in terms of mask use, distancing, and more. And we hope you’ll approach these matters with care, following any CDC guidelines that might be in effect at the time of the event.
Our one option from an organizing standpoint, should it become necessary, is a full on cancellation which would be announced via this website, emails to our participants, and our usual social media channels. But as of this posting, that’s not currently necessary so onward we roll.
Make no mistake: this thing is gonna do what it’s gonna do and, when it does, we’ll adapt accordingly. Just as we’ve all done for far too long.